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Диагностика Troubleshooting



  • Средствами WCF
    • Настройка сбора данных
    • Просмотр трассировки
    • Виды
      • Трассировка журнала сообщений
        • Существует четыре настраиваемые точки ведения журнала для сообщения: ServiceLevelSendRequest, TransportSend, TransportReceive, ServiceLevelReceiveRequest.
          • Service Level : At this level the message is logged when it is about to leave or enter the code. Secure messages are logged decrypted at this level.
          • Transport Level : At this level messages are logged just before getting encoded or after getting decoded for transmission over wire. Even reliable messaging messages are logged.
          • Malformed Level : All the messages which WCF fails to process due to improper format gets logged.
  • или через FREB on WCF

Use case

High CPU

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High Latency Timeout

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Thread pool starvation

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