Request-processing architecture which includes:
- Protocol listener
- IIS provides Hypertext Transfer Protocol Stack HTTP.sys as the protocol listener
- listens for HTTP and HTTPS requests on website binding endpoints
- If no worker process is available to handle a request, HTTP.sys places the request in a kernel-mode queue
- Затем это позволяет рабочим процессам IIS (IIS worker processes) выводить эти запросы из очереди на обработку.
- Logs written into: C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\HTTPERR
- Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) - protocols other than HTTP and HTTPS
- IIS provides Hypertext Transfer Protocol Stack HTTP.sys as the protocol listener
- World Wide Web (WWW) Publishing Service (W3SVC)
- runs as part of an instance of the process svchost.exe
- The IIS web service that configures Http.sys to listen for requests based on your IIS WebSite configuration.
- collects performance counters for each IIS site
- User-mode listener adapter for HTTP.sys
- Logs written into: System Event Viewer
- Windows Process Activation Service (WAS/WPAS)
- enables sites to use protocols other than HTTP and HTTPS. manages for both HTTP and non-HTTP requests
- The IIS service that coordinates
- the creation of IIS worker processes (w3wp.exe)
- based on your application pool configuration
- конфигурация храниться в ApplicationHost.config
- Logs
- written into: System Event Viewer
- IIS Logs in C:\intepub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC*
- Application pool - This is a logical container, not a physical process
- The application pool routes request processing for a set of applications in your website to a specific IIS worker process
- IIS worker processes (w3wp.exe) - this is the actual runtime host for the application, where request processing takes place
- Worker processes in one pool do not share resources with other pools
- You can pass configuration settings to a single pool to, for instance, throttle the CPU utilization of its workers
- Each application pool defaults to a single worker process, and you can configure your pools to include more
- When we talk about restarting or recycling the application pool, we are actually talking about starting a new fresh worker process
- Application
- An IIS application maps a url in your website to a physical ASP.NET application domain that’s hosting your application code
- When you are having performance issues, it’s the application code and its memory state that is usually causing the trouble. It could be a hang, high CPU, or a memory leak … the application is the piece we really need to restart.
- Web server engine that can be customized by adding or removing modules
- Native Modules
- HTTP Modules
- Security Modules
- Content Modules
- Compression Modules
- Caching Modules
- Logging and Diagnostics Modules
- Managed Modules
Процесс обработки запроса (Pipeline) и основные компоненты
- IIS 7 - на разных версиях IIS может отличаться.
- IIS listens for HTTP requests (as well as requests for other protocols) before creating worker processes to handle the request
- listener HTTP Stack HTTP.SYS (метрики)
- Waits for an HTTP request and then sends the request to an IIS service for processing
- HTTP.sys contacts WAS to obtain information from the configuration store
- WAS requests configuration information from the configuration store, applicationHost.config
- HTTP.sys receives from WWW Service (W3SVC) configuration information, such as IIS Application pool and IIS WebSite configuration.
- WAS starts\creater a worker process for the application pool to which the request was made.
- IIS Application pool 1 (метрики), isolate site
- IIS Application pool X
- IIS Worker Process 1
- IIS Worker Process X
- HTTP.sys contacts WAS to obtain information from the configuration store
- When processing is complete, HTTP.sys sends the response back to the browser.
- HTTP.sys also has a cache and if it has the requested file in cache it can return it directly to the client browser without having to contact any IIS services for processing.
- Waits for an HTTP request and then sends the request to an IIS service for processing
- listener WCF Service
- listener HTTP Stack HTTP.SYS (метрики)
- Метрики
- Производительность измеряют показатели атрибута качества ИС Быстродействие
- Надежность
- Сбор метрик
- log-parser
- log parser studio
- example
- Hourly Bandwidth (chart) Requests by URI
- Search the Event Log for W3SVC (IIS)
- Bytes Sent and Bytes Received are not selected, but they are very useful when troubleshooting a performance problem.
- в IIS логах есть?? sc-bytes, cs-bytes НЕТУ
- sample
- !!!
- weblog
Диагностика Troubleshooting
- 8.5
- 10
- Failed request tracing – traceAllAfterTimeout
- HTTP/2