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WCF Метрики

  • метрики производительности
    • пример настройки
      • нужно включить в конфигурации сервиса
    • варианты метрик
    • категории
      • объект производительности ServiceModelService
      • объект производительности ServiceModelEndpoint
      • объект производительности ServiceModelOperation
  • варианты
  • Calls by Operation\Service\Endpoint
    • Calls
    • Calls Duration - единица измерения?
    • Calls Failed
    • Calls Failed Per Second
    • Calls Faulted
    • Calls Faulted Per Second
    • Calls Outstanding
    • Calls Per Second
  • Instances by Service
    • Instances
    • Instances Created Per Second
  • Parallelism by Service
  • Queue by Service
    • Queued Messages Dropped
    • Queued Messages Dropped Per Second
    • Queued Messages Rejected
    • Queued Messages Rejected Per Second
    • Queued Poison Messages - Количество сообщений, помеченных как отравленные поставленным в очередь транспортом в службу.
    • Queued Poison Messages Per Second
  • Reliable Messaging by Service\Endpoint
    • Reliable Messaging Messages Dropped
    • Reliable Messaging Messages Dropped Per Second
    • Reliable Messaging Sessions Faulted
    • Reliable Messaging Sessions Faulted Per Second
  • Security
    • Security Calls Not Authorized
    • Security Calls Not Authorized Per Second
    • Security Validation and Authentication Failures
    • Security Validation and Authentication Failures Per Second
  • Transaction
    • Transacted Operations Aborted
    • Transacted Operations Aborted Per Second
    • Transacted Operations Committed
    • Transacted Operations Committed Per Second
    • Transacted Operations In Doubt
    • Transacted Operations In Doubt Per Second
    • Transactions Flowed
    • Transactions Flowed Per Second