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Distributed Tracing



  • When receives a web request, it assigns each request a unique request ID, in the HTTP header X-Request-ID, and preserves that request ID across multiple log files. The HTTP request ID can help you diagnose problems by correlating log entries for a given web request across many log files, which otherwise would not contain a common piece of information.
  • ABP Framework generates a correlationId for the first time when an operation is started and then attaches the current correlationId to distributed events as an additional property
    • For example, if you are using the transactional outbox or inbox pattern provided by ABP Framework, you can see the correlationId in the extra properties of the IncomingEventInfo or OutgoingEventInfo classes with the standard X-Correlation-Id key.
  • подходы к генерации
    • UUID4 - 96a101dd-c49a-4fea-aee2-a76510f32190
    • unique request identifier generated from 16 random bytes, in hexadecimal (1.11.0) 32 hexadecimal characters - 444535f9378a3dfa1b8604bc9e05a303
  • как передавать
    • HTTP Header
    • Query String - менее распространено
  • Настройка

Response Time

.NET in log



Data OTEL Collector
